What Are Cardinal Traits in Personality?

What Are Cardinal Traits in Personality?

Personality traits are fairly consistent and predictable patterns of behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Cardinal traits are dominant personality characteristics that strongly determine a person’s behavior. Such traits are so strong and persistent that the individual becomes associated with that quality. While other personality traits are present earlier in life, cardinal traits become more apparent as…

big five personality traits

Big Five Personality Traits: Here’s What You Need to Know

While there have been many different theories of personality, many psychologists today believe that personality is made of five broad dimensions, a notion often referred to as the big five theory of personality or the five-factor model. The Big 5 personality traits the theory describes are: The Big Five Personality Traits We mentioned these big…

Perfectionism is a personality trait

What Is Maladaptive Perfectionism?

Maladaptive perfectionism is a psychological trait characterized by an excessive preoccupation with flawless performance, an unrelenting pursuit of unrealistically high standards, and an inability to accept anything less than perfection. It often results in impaired functioning and emotional distress, leading to procrastination, anxiety, depression, and feelings of inadequacy or failure. Adaptive vs. Maladaptive Perfectionism In…