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Self-Actualization Test: How Self-Actualized Are You?


Do you take responsibility for your own actions?

Are you able to bounce back from life’s challenges?

Do you feel like you have a sense of purpose in your life?


Is making the world a better place important to you?

Would you describe yourself as a realist?

Do you ever feel deeply connected to the universe and its inhabitants?


Do you accept yourself for who you are?

Do you feel a great deal of compassion and empathy for others?

How open are you to new things, experiences, and ideas?


Are you spontaneous?

Do you stay true to your values even when it’s challenging?

Do you enjoy solitude?


Have you ever experienced a moment of complete awe and happiness that felt transcendent?

Do you appreciate the good things in life, even the mundane and everyday things?

Do you experience gratitude for the good things in your life?


How important is creativity and self-expression in your life?

Do you tend to have deep relationships with a small circle of close friends?

Do you have a strong sense of right and wrong?


Do you have a strong need to be independent and autonomous?

Self-Actualization Test: How Self-Actualized Are You?
You are very self-actualized!

Actualizing tendency

Your results indicate that you have a high level of self-actualization. Maslow actually considered this quite rare! While you have many of the characteristics of a self-actualized person, you also know that there is always something new to learn and some way to improve yourself. After all, self-actualization is truly a journey rather than a destination.

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You are somewhat self-actualized.

Psychological freedom means you have freedom to live according to your values

You possess some of the qualities of a self-actualized person, so you are off to a great start! Just remember that self-actualization is really more of a journey rather than a destination. As long as you keep growing and working toward self-fulfillment, you will find yourself becoming increasingly more actualized.

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You are not very self-actualized.

Ego strength boosts resilience

While you do not yet possess many of the characteristics of a self-actualized person, this does not mean that you are done growing. Self-actualization is a process, so it is really more about the journey than the destination. As long as you keep striving to improve yourself and learning new things, you will continue to become more self-actualized as you come closer to fulfilling your potential.

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